Simply put…Alert Me Bands communicate who to contact in an emergency situation when you can’t. Sure there is a spot for ICE (in case of emergency) within the contact list of your smartphone and a national ICE campaign has explained that Paramedics know to search your phone to call the number you have listed in your designated ICE contact. How many of you have listed a phone number? Do your kids carry phones? Do you always have your phone on you? Is your phone locked needing a passcode for entry?
Alert Me Bands, like the ICE campaign, believe that we need to take responsibility for our own safety and the safety of our children and do everything we can to be prepared in an emergency situation. We want to make this effort easier on First Responders, bystanders, classmates or Moms who might find a child who has been separated from his parents…Alert Me Bands only require you or your child to wear it and to wear it in a visible manner, meaning secure it on top of a long sleeve shirt or coat when your wrist is covered by clothing. There are no subscriptions, no smartphones needed and no future purchases to make the Alert Me Band effective in an emergency…just wear it so it is visible and it will communicate who to call when you can’t.